Monofenol monooksigenaza

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Monofenol monooksigenaza
EC broj
CAS broj 2594228
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Monofenol monooksigenaza (EC, fenolaza, monofenol oksidaza, krezolaza, monofenolaza, tirozin-dopa oksidaza, monofenolna monooksidaza, monofenol dihidroksifenilalanin:kiseonik oksidoreduktaza, N-acetil-6-hidroksitriptofan oksidaza, monofenol, dihidroksi-L-fenilalanin kiseonik oksidoreduktaza, o-difenol:O2 oksidoreduktaza, fenol oksidaza) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom L-tirozin,L-dopa:kiseonik oksidoreduktaza.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju

(1) L-tirozin + O2 dopahinon + H2O (sveukupna reakcija)
(1a) L-tirozin + 1/2 O2 L-dopa
(1b) L-dopa + 1/2 O2 dopahinon +H2O
(2) 2 L-dopa + O2 2 dopahinon + 2H2O

Ovaj enzim je tip III bakarni protein prisutan u širokom varijetetu bakterija, gljiva, biljki, insekata, rakova i sisara. On učestvuje u sintezi betalaina i melanina.


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  1. Dawson, C.R. and Tarpley, W.B. (1951). „The copper oxidases”. u: Sumner, J.B. and Myrbäck, K.. The Enzymes. 2 (1st izd.). New York: Academic Press. str. 454-498. 
  2. Patil, S.S. and Zucker, M. (1965). „Potato phenolases. Purification and properties”. J. Biol. Chem. 240: 3938-3943. PMID 5842066. 
  3. Pomerantz, S.H. (1963). „Separation, purification, and properties of two tyrosinases from hamster melanoma”. J. Biol. Chem. 238: 2351-2357. PMID 13972077. 
  4. Pomerantz, S.H. (1963). „Separation, purification, and properties of two tyrosinases from hamster melanoma”. J. Biol. Chem. 238: 2351-2357. PMID 13972077. 
  5. Robb, D.A. (1984). „`Tyrosinase”. u: Lontie, R.. Copper Proteins and Copper Enzymes. 2. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. str. 207-240. 
  6. Robb, D.A. (1984). „`Tyrosinase”. u: Lontie, R.. Copper Proteins and Copper Enzymes. 2. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. str. 207-240. 
  7. Sanchez-Ferrer, A., Rodriguez-Lopez, J.N., Garcia-Canovas, F. and Garcia-Carmona, F. (1995). „Tyrosinase: a comprehensive review of its mechanism”. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1247: 1-11. PMID 7873577. 
  8. Sanchez-Ferrer, A., Rodriguez-Lopez, J.N., Garcia-Canovas, F. and Garcia-Carmona, F. (1995). „Tyrosinase: a comprehensive review of its mechanism”. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1247: 1-11. PMID 7873577. 
  9. Steiner, U., Schliemann, W. and Strack, D. (1996). „Assay for tyrosine hydroxylation activity of tyrosinase from betalain-forming plants and cell cultures”. Anal. Biochem. 238: 72-75. PMID 8660589. 
  10. Steiner, U., Schliemann, W. and Strack, D. (1996). „Assay for tyrosine hydroxylation activity of tyrosinase from betalain-forming plants and cell cultures”. Anal. Biochem. 238: 72-75. PMID 8660589. 
  11. Rolff, M., Schottenheim, J., Decker, H. and Tuczek, F. (2011). „Copper-O2 reactivity of tyrosinase models towards external monophenolic substrates: molecular mechanism and comparison with the enzyme”. Chem Soc Rev 40: 4077-4098. PMID 21416076. 
  12. Rolff, M., Schottenheim, J., Decker, H. and Tuczek, F. (2011). „Copper-O2 reactivity of tyrosinase models towards external monophenolic substrates: molecular mechanism and comparison with the enzyme”. Chem Soc Rev 40: 4077-4098. PMID 21416076. 


[uredi | uredi kod]
  • Robb, D.A. (1984). „`Tyrosinase”. u: Lontie, R.. Copper Proteins and Copper Enzymes. 2. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. str. 207-240. 
  • Robb, D.A. (1984). „`Tyrosinase”. u: Lontie, R.. Copper Proteins and Copper Enzymes. 2. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. str. 207-240. 
  • Dawson, C.R. and Tarpley, W.B. (1951). „The copper oxidases”. u: Sumner, J.B. and Myrbäck, K.. The Enzymes. 2 (1st izd.). New York: Academic Press. str. 454-498. 

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